Early Iron Age Cemetery at Torone [2-vol. set]


Series: Monumenta Archaeologica 24
ISBN: 978-1-931745-16-1
Publication Date: Jun 2007
Price: Hb $50.00 (2 vols)
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John K. Papadopoulos

This volume publishes the excavation and analysis of the Early Iron Age cemetery at Torone in Chalkidike, in the north Aegean, Greece. Spanning the period between the twelfth or eleventh century down to ca. 850 BC, the cemetery Early Iron Are Cemetery at Toronerepresents one of the few burial grounds of theperiod in Greece to have been excavated virtually in its entirety (yielding 134 tombs, of which 118 were cremations and 16 inhumations). In addition to full analyses of the material from individual tombs (pottery, objects of metal, terracotta, stone, bone, glass compound, amber), as well as the burial customs and funerary rites, a series of specialist reports present the physical anthropology of the deceased, as well as the retrieved faunal and floral remains. 

Early Iron Are Cemetery at Torone

There is also a petrographic and chemical analysis of the pottery, one of the most comprehensive of its type in Greece. In addition to presenting the archaeological data from the cemetery, this volume seeks to (re)construct a picture of a society in a formative era and for a part of the Greek world that until very recently was archaeologically neglected.

Recipient of the Jo Anne Stolaroff Cotsen Prize

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Introduction         
Chapter 2. The excavations on Terrace V       
Chapter 3. A catalogue of tombs and their contents                 


Chapter 4. Mortuary practices            
Chapter 5. The Early Iron Age pottery
Chapter 6. Symbols not spoken: Potters’ marks and graffiti
Chapter 7. Small finds other than pottery
Chapter 8. Early Iron Age Torone: Between archaeology and history