Celebrating the publication of Lothar von Falkenhausen’s collected interviews, a Zoom conversation with the title “What Can Chinese Archaeology Contribute to the World?” was held December 3, 2020, from 2–4 pm. (PST). The discussion was between professor Haun Saussy of the University of Chicago and von Falkenhausen, who is professor of both Chinese archaeology and art history and a core faculty member of the Cotsen Institute. The conversation was moderated by Li Min, an associate professor of East Asian archaeology with a joint appointment in the departments of Anthropology and Asian Languages and Cultures and also a core faculty member of the Cotsen Institute. The volume “Archaeology, Scholarship, and Life: Collected Interviews with Lothar von Falkenhausen” was edited by Meng Fanzhi and published earlier this year by Shanxi Meishu Chubanshe in Taiwan. The event was sponsored by the Center for Chinese Studies at UCLA.