Moupi Mukhopadhyay, PhD candidate in the Conservation of Material Culture Program at the Cotsen Institute, was one of ten finalists in the 2023 UCLA Annual Grad Slam. In her three- minute presentation, illuminated with five slides, Mukhopadhyay presented her research on “Protecting the Kerala Murals: Using Materials Science to Interpret Kerala’s Past.” Mukhopadhyay also serves as the PhD Conservation Program representative to the Graduate Student Association of Archaeology. The PhD program in the Conservation of Material Culture is offered by the UCLA/Getty Interdepartmental Program in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, housed in the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and the Division of Social Sciences. In 2017 Robyn Price, at the time a PhD candidate in the Archaeology Program at the Cotsen Institute, also made the final with her presentation on “Unearthing the Past: An Archaeology of Scent.”