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Alan Farahani Receives a Chancellor's Postdoctoral Scholar Award
January 12, 2017
An Interview with Anneke Janzen, the Cotsen Institute's New Postdoctoral Scholar
November 16, 2016
Photos from the October 2016 Cotsen Prize Ceremony
October 24, 2016
Previously Unknown Canaanite Revolt Against Egypt Revealed in Ancient Jaffa
October 24, 2016
New discoveries from the Cotsen Institute's Professor Aaron Burke and the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project suggests that the Canaanites at Jaffa ousted their Egyptian rulers thousands of years ago.
Eight Things You Might Not Know About UCLA's Cotsen Institute of Archaeology
September 6, 2016
Photos from the May 2016 Cotsen Directors Celebration
July 7, 2016
Near the end of the Spring Quarter, the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology held a reception on the roof of the Fowler Museum to thank Chip Stanish for 15 years of outstanding service as the Director of...
Archaeologists and Geographers Team to Predict Locations of Ancient Buddhist Sites in India
May 27, 2016
In a study published this week in Current Science, archaeologist Monica Smith and geographer Thomas Gillespie identified 121 possible locations of what are known as Ashoka’s “edicts."
Archaeologists and Geographers Team to Predict Locations of Ancient Buddhist Sites in India
May 27, 2016
In a study published this week in Current Science, archaeologist Monica Smith and geographer Thomas Gillespie identified 121 possible locations of what are known as Ashoka’s “edicts."
Announcing the 2016 Cotsen Prize Recipient: Dr. Jane Buikstra
April 18, 2016
The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology is pleased to announce that the second triennial Lloyd Cotsen Prize for Lifetime Achievement in World Archaeology has been awarded to Dr. Jane Buikstra. Professor...
Professor Stella Nair awarded John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship
April 13, 2016
Congratulations to Prof. Stella Nair on receiving a 2016 John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship! Dr. Nair's work spans a variety of subjects and regions including Tiahuanaco architecture and technology,...
Professor Richard Lesure Awarded the Marilyn Beaudry-Corbett Endowed Chair in Mesoamerican Archaeology
February 19, 2016
An Archaeological Investigation of Dolphin Hunting in Precolombian Panama
January 11, 2016
Professor Monica Smith Awarded the Navin and Pratima Doshi Chair in Indian Studies
November 9, 2015
An Interview with the Cotsen Institute's Two Postdoctoral Scholars
September 21, 2015
Dr. Andrea Ricci and the Mil Plain, Azerbaijan
August 31, 2015
Remembering Pochan Chen 陳伯楨
August 14, 2015
Six Egyptology Graduates Hooded
June 19, 2015
Announcing Professor Stella Nair's New Book
June 19, 2015
At Home With the Sapa Inca: Architecture, Space, and Legacy at Chinchero
The Sady Kahn Trust Gives Conservation Program its First Matching Gift
November 3, 2014
The generous gift qualifies for the one-to-one match for the challenge grant awarded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in 2011, and will support graduate students in the program who will be named...
Spotlight on recent grad Ayesha Fuentes, 2014 FAIC George Stout Memorial Award recipient
October 28, 2014
Restoration of "The Black Experience" almost complete
May 1, 2014
Elizabeth Drolet works to restore "The Black Experience," a mural located on the first level of Ackerman Union.
UCLA/Getty conservation program receives $1M Mellon Foundation challenge grant
February 18, 2014
UCLA has received a $1 million challenge grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in support of the UCLA/Getty Interdepartmental Program on the Conservation of Archeological and Ethnographic...
Information Studies’ UCLA/Getty Program Scholar to Add Maori Perspective to Conservation
February 18, 2014
Tharron Bloomfield will join UCLA as the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Conservation Resident for two years, beginning Sept. 15, as a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Information...
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