Archaeological Research on the Islands of the Sun and Moon, Lake Titicaca, Bolivia: Final Results from the Proyecto Tiksi Kjarka

Series: Monographs 52ISBN: 978-1-931745-12-3
Publication Date: Apr 2004
Price: Pb $37.00
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Charles Stanish and Brian S. Bauer
“Stanish and Bauer’s publication provides an excellent overview with selected details of survey and excavation of the islands… It is recommended to Andeanists and other scholars interested in early complex societies and their ritual systems.”
— Mary Glowacki, Antiquity, 2005
Beginning in 1994, the Proyecto Tiksi Kjarka conducted a complete survey of the Islands of the Sun and Moon in southern Lake Titicaca, along with test excavations of important Inca, Tiwanaku, and pre-Tiwanaku sites. This book provides the final results of this work on one of the most important locations in the circum-Titicaca Basin, with detailed survey and excavation data indispensable for Andeanists and other scholars interested in the development of complex political, economic, and ritual systems in prehistory.