Anneke Janzen

Postdoctoral Fellow


Ph.D., U.C. Santa Cruz, 2015

Areas of Interest

Zooarchaeology, stable isotope analysis, African archaeology, pastoralism, seasonality, mobility, origins of food production, taphonomy.


Peer-Reviewed Publications:

2014    Monroe, J. C. and A. Janzen. La fête du Dahomey: Politique et les pratiques culinaires des elites en 18e et 19e siècle Afrique Occidental. Afriques (En ligne) 5.

2014    Janzen, A., R.E.B. Reid, A. Vasquez and D. Gifford-Gonzalez. Smaller fragment size facilitates energy-efficient bone grease production. Journal of Archaeological Science 49:518-523.

2014    Monroe, J.C. and A. Janzen. The Dahomean Feast: Royal Women, Private Politics, and Culinary Practices in Atlantic West Africa. African Archaeological Review 31(2):299-337.

2013    Balasse, M., A. Bălăşescu, A. Janzen, J. Ughetto-Monfrin, P. Mirea and R. Andreescu. Early herding at Măgura-Boldul lui Moş Ivănuş (early sixth millennium BC, Romania): environments and seasonality from stable isotope analysis. European Journal of Archaeology 16(2):221-246.

Other Publications: 

2014    Janzen, A. Exploring ancient pastoral mobility through stable isotope analysis: A case study from Kenya. Backdirt: Annual Review.

2009    Janzen, A. and T.D. Schneider. Analysis of fauna from the Thomas Site, a shell mound in Marin County, California. SCA Proceedings 23: 1-9. 


2014    UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Graduate Student Conference Student Paper Award ($500)

2013    Research grant for dissertation fieldwork, Dept. of Anthropology, UC Santa Cruz ($600) 

2012    Wenner Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, #8630 ($6,727)

2012    National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, BCS-1240332 ($19,370)

2012    Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research ($3,000)

2012    CenTREAD Tropical Research Award, UC Santa Cruz, ($1,000)

2012    Research grant for dissertation fieldwork, Dept. of Anthropology, UC Santa Cruz, ($1,700) 

2012    Outstanding TA Award, UC Santa Cruz Graduate Division

2009    Research grant for pre-dissertation fieldwork, Dept. of Anthropology, UC Santa Cruz, ($2,000)