Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology-2


Series: Monographs 77
ISBN: 978-1-931745-72-7
Publication Date: Sep 2013
Price: Hb $65, eBook $30
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Alexei Vranich and Abigail R. Levine

This volume, the second in a series of studies on the archaeology of the Titicaca Basin, serves as an excellent springboard for broader discussions of the roles of ritual, authority, coercion, and the intensification of resources and trade for the development of archaic states worldwide. Over the last hundred years, scholars have painstakingly pieced together fragments of the incredible cultural history of the Titicaca Basin, an area that encompasses over 50,000 square kilometers, achieving a basic understanding of settlement patterns and chronology. While large-scale surveys need to continue and areas will need to be revisited to further refine chronologies and knowledge of site-formation processes, the maturation of the field now allows archaeologists to invest energy fruitfully in individual locations and specialized topics. The contributions in this volume focus on the southern region of the Basin, the area that would become the core of the Tiwanaku heartland.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction by Alexei Vranich and Charles S. Stanish
Chapter 2. Jesús de Machaca before and after Tiwanaku: A Background to Recent Archaeology at Khonkho Wankane and Pukara de Khonkho by John W. Janusek
Chapter 3. Late Formative Period Spatial Organization at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia by Scott C. Smith
Chapter 4. Excavations of a Late Formative Patio Group at Khonkho Wankane, Bolivia by Erik J. Marsh
Chapter 5. The Stone Stelae of Khonkho Wankane: Inventory, Brief Description, and Seriation by Arik Ohnstad
Chapter 6. Pukara de Khonkho: Preliminary Analysis of a Pacajes Hilltop Settlement by Jennifer M. Zovar
Chapter 7. Demographic Dimensions of Tiwanaku Urbanism by Matthew Bandy
Chapter 8. What Would Celebrants See? Sky, Landscape, and Settlement Planning in the Late Formative Southern Titicaca Basin by Leonardo Benítez
Chapter 9. State of the Fish: Changing Patterns in Fish Exploitation and Consumption duringTiwanaku (AD 500–1100) in Iwawi, Bolivia by José M. Capriles
Chapter 10. The Tiwanaku of A. F. Bandelier by Nicholas Bentley
Chapter 11. A Radiocarbon Chronology of the Pumapunku Complex and a Reassessment of the Development of Tiwanaku, Bolivia by Jason Yaeger and Alexei Vranich
Chapter 12. Reexamining Tiwanaku’s Urban Renewal through Ground-Penetrating Radar and Excavation: The Results of Three Field Seasons by Michele L. Koons
Chapter 13. Excavation and Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from a New Dedicatory Offering at Tiwanaku by John W. Verano
Chapter 14. Human Skeletal Remains from Bandelier’s 1895 Expedition to the Island of the Sun by Christina Torres-Rouff