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- "Beyond the Horizon: Pericentric Complexity in the Chavín Phenomenon at Atalla, Peru"
- Michelle Young
- January 2025

- "Andean Environmental Conflicts, Risks, Disaster, and Development in the Anthropocene"
- Vladimir Gil Ramón
- December 2024

- "Making a House: The mutual upbringing (crianza) of architecture and people in Andean highland pastoralism (Susques, Jujuy, Argentina)"
- Jorge Tomasi
- April 2024

- "State Maps' Agency and Mountains' Multiplicity in the Andes"
- Guillermo Salas Carreño and José Enrique Solano del Castillo
- Feb 2024

- "Thinking Through the Tool: Immersive Virtual Reality at Mawchu Llacta and Huaca Colorada, Peru"
- Giles Spence Morrow
- Oct 2023

- "Workshop: Tele-immersive Archaeology: Documentation and processing workflows for Virtual and Augmented Reality"
- Giles Spence Morrow
- Oct 2023

- "Materiality of Wak'as: Between History and Archaeology at Sacsayhuaman, Cuzco"
- Peter Kaulicke
- May 2023

- "Seeing Through the Trees: Lidar, Archaeological Visualization, and the Conservation Crisis at Kuelap"
- Parker VanValkenburgh
- March 2023

- "Kuskalla Abya Yala in the context of Quechua Revitalization"
- Zoila Mendoza
- May 2022

- "Digital Sketches: Creating Qualitative, Humanistic Maps & Visualizations in Inkscape"
- Jeremy Mikecz
- May 2022

- "Ghost Landscapes: Recovering & Visualizing Hidden Histories and Landscapes of the Early Colonial Andes (1530s-1700)"
- Jeremy Mikecz
- May 2022

- "Patterns are Good to Think: Inka Abstraction Across Media"
- Carolyn Dean
- April 2022

- "Archaeology, Design and Markets in Elena Izcue's Works"
- Jorge Coronado
- February 2022

- "Símbolos, Rituales y Paisaje Durante el Formativo en los Andes Centrales"
- Miguel Guzmán Juárez
- January 2022

- "Making and Selling Drinks and Other Ways to Study Marginalized Ethnic Groups in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Cuzco"
- Leo Garofalo
- January 2022

- "Protection or Fossilization of the Great Plaza in Cuzco, Peru: Debating a Lone Statue"
- Helaine Silverman
- November 2021

- "Wari Settlement & Colonial Development in Moquegua, Peru"
- Donna Nash
- April 2021

- "Indigenous Cosmopolitans and the Tourist Encounter: Taquile's Fiesta of Santiago as Contact Zone"
- Jonathan Ritter
- January 2021

- "On Top of the World: Andean Adaptation to High Altitude"
- Abigail Bigham
- February 2020

- "New Approaches to Tracing Cacao's Dispersal from the Amazon Basin"
- Sonia Zarrillo
- January 2020

- "Modern Computerized Motion Capture to Understand Prehistoric Tiwanaku (AD 500-1100) Labor in Bolivia"
- Sara Becker
- October 2019

- "Ceramic Iconography and the Control of Esoteric Knowledge in the Andean Middle Formative"
- Cathy Costin
- May 2019

- "Peering Beyond the Imperial Gaze: Mapping the Spanish Invasion of Peru (And Other Spatial Acts)"
- Jeremy M. Mikecz
- April 2019

- "The Ecological Context of State Formation on the Andean Coast: New and Exciting Discoveries"
- Chip Stanish
- February 2019

- "The Intersection of Preservation, Education, and Community Outreach: Conservation at the Corral Redondo Project"
- Vanessa Muros
- January 2019

- "Putting the House into Household Archaeology: Making - Inhabiting - Studying Ancient Andean Houses"
- Jerry Moore
- November 2018

- "Perspective in Inka Visual Culture"
- Carolyn Dean
- May 2017

- "Crucibles of Innovation on Peru's North Coast"
- Joanne Pillsbury
- March 2017

- "A Moving Place: Wari, Nasca and the Creation of Quilcapampa"
- Justin Jennings
- January 2017

- "Reconstructing the Built Environment of the Millo Complex, Vitor Valley, Peru"
- Hans Barnard
- November 2016
- "Biogeochemical and Bioarchaeological Contributions to Understanding the Middle Horizon/Late Intermediate Period Transition in the Andes"
- Kelly Knudson
- March 2016

- "Color in the Andes: Materials, Materiality, Technique and Culture"
- Elena Phipps
- April 2015

- "Social Dimensions of Plant Food in South America: The Role of Chile Pepper in Creating Society"
- Catherine Hastorff
- February 2015

- "Human Sacrifice on the North Coast of Peru: Recent Discoveries Pose New Questions"
- John Verano
- November 2014

- "Collapse, Abandonment, and Repopulation of Nasca, Peru"
- Christina Conlee
- November 2014

- "Pampachay and the Sensory Experience in the Pilgramage to the Lord of Qoyllorit'i"
- Zoila Mendoza
- November 2014

- "Prehispanic Pilgrimage on the South Coast of Peru: Testing a Costly Signaling Model in the Ica Valley"
- Kevin Vaughn
- April 2014

- "The Shape of Things to Come: The Genesis of Wari Wak'as"
- Anita Cook
- November 2013

- "Excavating a Moche Epic at Pañamarca"
- Lisa Trever
- October 2013

- "Administrators and Aqllakuna: Inka Period Funerary Practices at Farfán, Jequetepeque Valley, Perú"
- Carol Mackey
- May 2013

- "Broken Freedoms: Slavery and Manumission in Colonial Peru"
- Rachel Sarah O'Toole
- April 2013

- "The Use and Re-Use of Ceremonial Space at Taraco, Peru"
- Abigail Levine
- January 2013

- "Eat, Drink, Sex, Love: The Architecture of Inka Private Life"
- Stella Nair
- November 2013

- "Paracas and Carmen at Chincha"
- Chip Stanish
- October 2012