Architecture Working Group Events

Poster Talk Details

Spence Morrow lecture flyer
  • "Thinking Through the Tool: Immersive Virtual Reality at Mawchu Llacta and Huaca Colorada, Peru"
  • Giles Spence Morrow
  • Oct 2023

Spence Morrow workshop flyer
  • "Workshop: Tele-immersive Archaeology: Documentation and processing workflows for Virtual and Augmented Reality"
  • Giles Spence Morrow
  • Oct 2023

Caldwell flyer
  • "Digital Reconstruction of the Pharos Lighthouse of Alexandria"
  • Anthony Caldwell
  • April 2023

  • "Digital Sketches: Creating Qualitative, Humanistic Maps & Visualizations in Inkscape"
  • Jeremy Mikecz
  • May 2022

  • "Sound, Space and the Aesthetics of the Sublime"
  • Jonathan Berger
  • April 2022

  • "Spanning the Andes: History and Technology of Preindustrial Suspension Bridges"
  • John Ochsendorf
  • January 2022

  • "Símbolos, Rituales y Paisaje Durante el Formativo en los Andes Centrales"
  • Miguel Guzmán Juárez
  • January 2022

  • "The Architecture of Democracy in a Landscape of Slavery"
  • Louis Nelson
  • November 2021