Event: WEDS TALKS: Moche Deathscapes: Performance, Politics, and the Creation of Myth in Huaca La Capilla–San José de Moro (AD 650–740), Peru
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ABSTRACT: Death in the Moche world has traditionally been examined from object-centered perspectives that have favored discourses about hierarchy, status and power. However, such perspectives have left behind discussions about deathscapes and their role in the production of ancestors and the (re)distribution of political power. Based on my excavations at Huaca La Capilla, a monumental structure located in the Late Moche (650-850 CE) cemetery of San José de Moro, Jequetepeque Valley, I examine the dynamic and changing nature of mortuary landscapes and their monuments. I argue that Huaca La Capilla was the locus of body-centered performances that preceded the burial of Moche elite individuals. These performances were, ultimately, involved in the (re)production of myths of Moche ancestrality and particular notions of time, history, and construction of the being that gave political legitimacy to ruling groups in times of deep crisis.
BIO: Luis A. Muro Ynoñán is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and a Visiting Lecturer in the UCLA Department of Art History. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Scientist at the Field Museum and a Pre-doctoral Fellow at the Pre-Columbian Studies program at Dumbarton Oaks. He holds a MA and Ph.D. from Stanford University and a BA and Licenciatura from Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. As a Peruvian archaeologist, Dr. Muro is broadly interested in the relationships between performance, death, and politics in the ancient Andes, integrating anthropological and performance theory with multi-scalar methods of spatial analysis and absolute dating techniques. He is now leading the Úcupe Cultural Landscape Project in Lambayeque, Peru, a multidisciplinary project that seeks to study the origins of Moche religion in relation to climatic fluctuations in the Andes in the first millennium CE.