Gallinazo: An Early Cultural Tradition on the Peruvian North Coast


Series: Monographs 66
ISBN: 978-1-931745-74-1
Publication Date: Oct 2009
Price: Hb $45, Pb $25, eBook $25
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Jean-Francois Millaire and Magali Morlion

Over the last decades, considerable effort has been directed towards the study of early complex societies of northern Peru, and in recent years archaeologists have expressed a strong interest in the art and archaeology of the Moche, Lambayeque and Chimú societies. Yet, comparatively little attention has been paid to the earlier cultural foundations of North Coast civilization: the Gallinazo.Gallinazo In the recent years, however, the work of a number of North Coast specialists brought about a large quantity of data on the Gallinazo occupation of the coast, but a coherent framework for studying this culture had yet to be defined. A round table, which gathered some thirty scholars from Europe and North and South America to discuss the Gallinazo phenomenon, resulted in this volume of fourteen chapters by authors with different perspectives and backgrounds who re-consider the nature of the Gallinazo culture and its position within Peruvian North Coast cultural history. Greater issues about the development of complex societies in this area and within the Andean region in general are also examined. The contributions reveal a diversity of perspectives on North Coast archaeology, something that is likely to stimulate methodological and theoretical debates among Andeanists, pre-Columbian specialists, and New World archaeologists in general.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Gallinazo and the Tradición Norcosteña by Jean-François Millaire      
Chapter 2. The Gallinazo Illusion by Christopher B. Donnan           
Chapter 3. Virú–Moche Relations: Technological Identity, Stylistic Preferences, and the Ethnic Identity of Ceramic Manufacturers and Users by Krzysztof Makowski         
Chapter 4. Middle Moche and Gallinazo Ceramic Styles at San José de Moro by Martín del Carpio Perla      
Chapter 5. Urbanism and Social Change during the Gallinazo and Moche Periods in the Chicama Valley by Christopher J. Attarian           
Chapter 6. Gallinazo-style Ceramics in Early Moche Contexts at the El Brujo Complex, Chicama Valley by Régulo G. Franco Jordán and César A. Gálvez Mora        
Chapter 7. The Gallinazo at Huacas de Moche: Style or Culture? by Santiago Uceda Castillo, Henry Gayoso Rullier, and Nadia Gamarra Carranza      
Chapter 8. Biological Origins and Relations among Cerro Oreja and Other Prehistoric Northern Andean Mortuary Populations Using Epigenetic Dental Traits by Richard C. Sutter           
Chapter 9. Woven Identities in the Virú Valley by Jean-François Millaire 
Chapter 10. Gallinazo and Moche at the Santa Rita B Archaeological Complex, Middle Chao Valley by Jonathan D. Kent, Teresa Rosales Tham, Víctor Vásquez Sánchez, Richard A. Busch,and Catherine M. Gaither      
Chapter 11. Gallinazo Cultural Identity in the Lower Santa Valley: Ceramics, Architecture, Burial Patterns, and Sociopolitical Organization by Claude Chapdelaine, Víctor Pimentel, and Jorge Gamboa     
Chapter 12. Gallinazo Disposal of the Dead and Manipulation of Human Remains at El Castillo de Santa by Gérard Gagné    
Appendix A: Burials at El Castillo   
Chapter 13. Gallinazo, Vicús, and Moche in the Development of Complex Societies Along the North Coast of Peru by Luis Jaime Castillo Butters         
Chapter 14. Concluding Remarks by Peter Kaulic