Alan Farahani

Postdoctoral Fellow
Ph.D., UC Berkeley, 2014
Areas of Interest
Paleoethnobotany, Historic Southwest Asia and Eastern Mediterranean, Ancient Agriculture, Data Analysis and Visualization (R and GIS), Environmental Archaeology, Historical Ecology, Long-term socio-ecological change and political dynamics, History of Archaeology, Philosophy of Science, Linguistics
Farahani, A. 2014. Sasanian Empire, Archaeology of the. In C. Smith (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Vol. 10, pp. 6463-6471. New York: Springer.
B. W. Porter, B. Routledge, Fatkin, D.S., K. Adelsberger, A. Farahani, and W. Schultz.
2012. The Dhiban Excavation and Development Project’s 2009 season: Field
L excavations. Annual of the Department of Antiquities, Jordan 56: 111-129.
Fatkin, D.S., K. Adelsberger, A. Farahani, A. Fischer, S.W. Kansa, J. Lev-Tov, C.
Morgan, B. W. Porter, B. Routledge, and A. T. Wilson. (2011) Digging deeper: Technical
reports from the Dhiban Excavation and Development Project (2004-2009). Annual of the
Department of Antiquities, Jordan 55: 249-256.
Stronach, D, T. Thrane, C. Goff, and A. Farahani (2011). Erebuni 2008-2010. Aramazd
Journal of Near Eastern Studies 6: 87-127.
John L. Simpson Memorial Research Fellowship in International and Comparative
Studies, Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley
Harris Grant, American Schools of Oriental Research
National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (with Benjamin Porter, BCS# 1135042) " Agricultural Intensification and Sustainable Practice under Empire at Dhiban, Jordan: A Reconstruction from Paleoethnobotanical Evidence)"
SAA Dissertation Award (2015)