Hans Barnard

Associate Adjunct Professor Emeritus, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (NELC)
Medical degree, Leiden University (the Netherlands),1990; PhD (Archaeology), Leiden University (the Netherlands), 2008.
Areas of Interest
Archaeological survey, pottery, organic residue analysis, philosophy of mind
After obtaining a MD and PhD in Archaeology from Leiden University (the Netherlands), Hans Barnard is now Associate Researcher at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology as well as Associate Adjunct Professor in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures.
As an archaeological surveyor, photographer and ceramic analyst he has worked on sites in Armenia, Chile, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iceland, Panama, Peru, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.
He is currently involved in research projects investigating the prehistory of the Tigray region in north-western Ethiopia and the ancient production techniques of selected artifacts in Museo Egizio in Turin (Italy). Both projects are fieldschools, offering opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, see http://www.ifrglobal.org.
With W.Z. Wendrich and R.M. Bridgman he has published “Report of the Baynun Mapping Project” (Leiden, 1999), with J.W. Eerkens “Theory and Practice of Archaeological Residue Analysis” (Oxford, 2007), with W.Z. Wendrich “The Archaeology of Mobility: Old World and New World Nomadism” (Los Angeles, 2008), and with K. Duistermaat “The History of the Peoples of the Eastern Desert” (Los Angeles, 2012).
- Contemporary Mass-Spectrometric Techniques for Archaeologists (ARCHEOL 205B)
- Medicine and Magic in Ancient Times (AN NEA 14W)
- Movement in Art, Philosophy and Daily Life (COM LIT 180SL)
- Science in Archaeology (ARCHEOL 30)
- The Anthropocene: An Archaeological Perspective (HNRS 147)
H. Barnard (2019), “The Eastern Desert Dwellers,” in S.E. Sidebotham, J.E. Gates-Foster and J.-L.G. Rivard (eds.), The Archaeological Survey of the Desert Roads between Berenike and the Nile Valley: Expeditions by the University of Michigan and the University of Delaware to the Eastern Desert of Egypt, 1987-2015, Boston (American Schools of Oriental Research), pp. 389-408.
V. Moses, B. Kaufman, A. Drine, H. Barnard, S. Ben Tahar, E. Jerray and M. Daniels (2019), “Zooarchaeological evidence for meat consumption at Zita, Tunisia, during the Punic to Roman occupations (2nd century BCE to 3rd century CE),” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, doi.org/10.1002/oa.2751.
H. Barnard (2018), “Eastern Desert Ware,” in R. David (ed.), Céramiques Égyptiennes au Soudan ancient: Importations, imitations et influences: Cahier de la céramiques Égyptienne 11, Cairo (Institut Français d’archéologie orientale), pp. 279-302.
M.C. Lozada, A. Warner-Smith, R.C. Haydon, H. Barnard, A. Cardona Rosas and R. Greenberg (2018), “Head Processing among La Ramada Tradition of Southern Peru,” in V. Tiesler and M.C. Lozada (eds.), Social Skins of the Head: Body Beliefs and Ritual in Ancient Mesoamerica and the Andes, Albuquerque (University of New Mexico Press), pp. 187-203.
H. Barnard and J.W. Eerkens (2017), “Assessing vessel function by organic residue analysis,” in A.M.W. Hunt (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Ceramic Analysis, Oxford (Oxford University Press), pp. 625-650.
J. Cooper and H. Barnard (2017), “New insights on the inscription on a painted pan-grave bucranium, Grave 3252 at Cemetery 3100/3200, Mostagedda (Middle Egypt),” African Archaeological Review 34, pp. 363-376.
B.T. Nigra, A. Cardona Rosas, M.C. Lozada and H. Barnard (2017), “Reconstructing the built environment of the Millo Complex, Vitor Valley, Peru,” Ñawpa Pacha, Journal of Andean Archaeology 37, pp. 39-62.
H. Barnard and A.N. Dooley (2017), “An ancient irrigation canal in the Pampa Tamarugal,” Journal of Field Archaeology 42, 259-268.
H. Barnard, R. Boytner, N. Khandekar and M. Schleicher, (2016), “Painted textiles: Knowledge and technology in the Andes,” Ñawpa Pacha, Journal of Andean Archaeology 36, 209-228.
H. Barnard, W.Z. Wendrich, A. Winkels, J.E.M.F. Bos, B.L. Simpson and R.T.J. Cappers, (2016), “The preservation of exposed mudbrick architecture in Karanis (Kom Aushim), Egypt,” Journal of Field Archaeology 41, 84-100.
H. Barnard, W.Z. Wendrich, B.T. Nigra, B.L. Simpson and R.T. J. Cappers (2015), “The fourth-century AD expansion of the Graeco-Roman settlement of Karanis (Kom Aushim) in the northern Fayum,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 101, 51-67.
B.T. Nigra, K.F. Faull and H. Barnard (2015), “Analytical chemistry in archaeological research,” Analytical Chemistry 87, 3-18.
H. Barnard, A.N. Dooley, G.E. Areshian, B. Gasparyan and K.F. Faull (2011), “Chemical evidence for wine production around 4000 BCE in the Late Chalcolithic Near Eastern Highlands,” Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 977-984.
H. Barnard, S.H. Ambrose, D.E. Beehr, M.F. Forster, R.E. Lanehart, M.E. Malainey, R.E. Parr, M. Rider, C. Solazzo and R.M. Yohe II (2007), “Mixed results of seven methods for organic residue analysis applied to one vessel with the residue of a known foodstuff,” Journal of Archaeological Science 34, 28-37.
H. Barnard (2007), “Additional remarks on Blemmyes, Beja and Eastern Desert Ware,” Ägypten und Levante 17, 23-32.
H. Barnard and A.A. Magid (2006), “Eastern Desert Ware from Tabot (Sudan): More links to the North,” Archéologie du Nil Moyen 10, 15-34.
A. Wilkins, H. Barnard and P.J. Rose (2006), “Roman artillery balls from Qasr Ibrim, Egypt,” Sudan & Nubia 10, 64-78.
H. Barnard (2005/2006), “Eastern Desert Ware from Marsa Nakari and Wadi Sikait,” Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 42, 131-146.
H. Barnard, A.N. Dooley and K.F. Faull (2005), “New data on the Eastern Desert Ware from Sayala (Lower Nubia) in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna,” Ägypten und Levante 15, 49-64.
S.E. Sidebotham, H. Barnard, J.A. Harrell and R.S. Tomber (2001), “The Roman quarry and installations in Wadi Umm Wikala and Wadi Semna,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 87, 135-170.
H. Barnard (1993), “A description of three graves at Qasr Ibrim,” Archéologie du Nil Moyen 9, 47-63.
H. Barnard, E.J. Dreef, J.H.J.M. van Krieken (1990), “The ruptured spleen: A histological, morphometrical and immunohistochemical study,” Histology and Histopathology 5, 299-304.
April 2019: Symposium 157, “Archaeology Out-of-the-Box: Investigating the Edge of the Discipline,” and a poster in Session 286, “Bioarchaeology and Mortuary Studies in South America” during the 84rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque (NM).
April 2019: Pizza Talk (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology) “Corral Redondo, Peru: 75 Years Later,” together with Dr Danny Zborover and Vanessa Muros.
April 2018: Contributions to Symposium 210 “Spatial Approaches in African Archaeology: Current Theories, New Methods,” and Symposium and 335 “Regional Interaction during the Andean Middle Horizon: Ongoing Research in the Peruvian South Coast and Yungas” during the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Washington DC.
April 2018: “Movement as Trigger for Consciousness” at the 11th Visiting Scholar Conference of the Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology “Homo Migrans: Modeling Mobility and Migration in Human History,” University at Buffalo, State University of New York.
May 2017: “The painted Pan–Grave bucranium from Mostagedda (Egypt),” at the Leonardo Art and Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) in the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), UCLA.
February 2017: “Cutting Edge Archaeology: Molecular Archaeology,” within a UCLA Extension course.