Since 1975, the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press (formerly the Publications Unit) has served to preserve cultural heritage through the documentation and publication of scholarly archaeological research. Specializing in producing high-quality academic volumes, the Press publishes about 10 titles per year in seven different series:
Monumenta Archaeologica contains final reports of significant field research, presented in hardcover format; Monographs focus on contributions in synthetic field research and current issues in archaeological method and theory; Cotsen Advanced Seminars are the published results of Cotsen Institute sponsored seminars, where scholars explore cross-disciplinary themes; Ideas, Debates, and Perspectives offers a forum to address theoretical and practical issues of concern to contemporary archaeology; World Heritage and Monuments highlights major archaeological sites and monuments around the globe and seeks to preserve their unique cultural contributions through scholarly documentation and publication; Perspectives in California Archaeology presents substantive and theoretical topics focusing on archaeological research in California; Archaeological Research Tools presents manuals covering specific topics of practical interest to archaeological research. Several filtering options, including series, are available for our Online Catalog.
Acquisitions are monitored by an Editorial Board composed of distinguished UCLA faculty and are accepted based on the results of critical peer review. The Press is committed to producing innovative volumes in a variety of formats. Upcoming projects include the launch of an electronic and born–digital publications program as part of the Cotsen Digital Archive — an ongoing initiative that will archive faculty research and host digital publications in collaboration with a number of partner organizations at UCLA.
Recent reviews in journals such as Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Nations and Nationalism, and Archaeology in Oceania highlight the exceptional quality and superb presentation of research published by the Cotsen Institute:
Early Athens, by Eirini Dimitriadou (2019)
“... presents all the relevant contexts in detail, including the original plans, within which Dimitriadou’s three phases of interest (Submycenaean, [Proto-]Geometric and Archaic) as well as the ensuing Classical phases have been highlighted in different colors. This will make her book a major reference volume for a long time... [The author has done] the scholarly community a great service in drawing the attention to the wealth of data available.”
— Maximilian F. Rönnberg, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2019
Unmasking Ideology, Edited by Bonnie Effros and Guolong Lai (2018)
“The impressive geographical range, the variety of cases, and the depth of analysis will make this volume a key reference book for understanding relations between archaeology, imperialism, and national identities.”
— John Hutchinson, Nations and Nationalism, 2019
Tangatatau Rockshelter, Edited by Patrick Vinton Kirch (2017)
“The monograph is exemplary as both a final archaeological site report from Polynesia and a multi-faceted contribution to Polynesian island settlement studies. On both counts, it should serve as a high benchmark for others to follow.”
— Ian Barber, Archaeology in Oceania, 2018
In addition to acclaimed books, the CIoA Press produces Backdirt: Annual Review, a full-length magazine that features recent Institute research, news and events. For more information about the publishing program or CIoA Press publications, visit For Authors.
Taylor McBride
Publications Director
Aaron Burke
Editor in Chief of the Editorial Board
Mailing Address:
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press
308 Charles E. Young Dr. North
A210 Fowler Building/Box 951510
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1510
Phone: (310) 206-9384